Calibration date of Service-InControl of our distributors

Labotect Labor-Technik-Göttingen GmbH is a certified manufacturer of medical devices according to ISO 13485. The production of high quality products according to regulations and standards is essential for all our products, not only the registered medical devices.
The InControl 1050 supports the daily laboratory work in helping to control culture conditions in incubators. For accurate measurements and proper function of these devices a regular calibration is recommended. These calibrations can be done either in our facility in Germany or by your responsible distributor in case they have a so-called Service-InControl at their disposal.
The following table shows the distributors and the related Service-InControl with the latest calibration date.
We only take the responsibility for those Service-InControls which have been calibrated in our service department at our main office. We strongly recommend a calibration interval of each Service-InControl of twelve months. Otherwise a proper function of the device cannot be guaranteed.
Distributor | Country | Service InControl S/N | Calibration Date | Calibration valid until... |
A.P. Tec | Thailand | 14854-3038 | 06/2021 | 06/2022 |
Acroteq | South-Africa | 14854-3020 | 04/2021 | 04/2022 |
Alpha & Omega Diagnostics Ltd. | India | 14854-3017 14854-3023 | 07/2013 11/2016 | 07/2014 11/2017 |
AL-RAD Medical Ltd. | Israel | 14854-3012 | 03/2021 | 03/2022 |
ATCO Technology Company | Kuwait | 14854-3001 | 10/2020 | 10/2021 |
B.G. Karim Company - Medical Supplies | Egypt Libya Sudan Syria | 14854-3013 14854-3015 14854-3018 | 04/2018 04/2021 04/2015 | 04/2019 04/2022 04/2016 |
Chemlaborreactiv LLC | Ukraine | 14854-3034 | 07/2021 | 07/2022 |
E. in ART AB | Benin Burkina Faso Cameroon Democratic Republic of Congo Gambia Ghana Ivory Coast Mali Niger Senegal Togo Uganda | 14854-3026 | 05/2022 | 05/2023 |
Equipos Medico-Biologicos S.A. | Spain | 14854-3004 | 07/2020 | 07/2021 |
Elscolab BV | The Netherlands | 14854-3003 | 01/2021 | 01/2022 |
Essence Equip Co., Ltd. | Taiwan | 14854-3021 | 04/2021 | 04/2022 |
FertiCAD Ltd. | Hungary | 14854-3042 | 02/2022 | 02/2023 |
Hua Yue Enterprise Holdings Limited | China | 14854-3008 14854-3009 14854-3025 14854-3027 14854-3028 14854-3029 14854-3030 14854-3031 | 02/2017 10/2016 12/2016 12/2016 12/2016 12/2016 12/2016 12/2016 | 02/2018 10/2017 12/2017 12/2017 12/2017 12/2017 12/2017 12/2017 |
Hytek Scientifics Inc. | India | 14854-3002 14854-3032 14854-3035 | 07/2015 04/2017 03/2019 | 07/2016 04/2018 03/2020 |
ITM Ureme Sagligi Urunleri Ltd. Sti | Turkey | 14854-3011 14854-3014 | 10/2021 04/2022 | 10/2022 04/2023 |
Lambdatech LLC | Oman United Arab Emirates | 14854-3039 | 03/2021 | 03/2022 |
LabIVF Asia Pte Ltd. | Singapore | 14854-3037 | 10/2020 | 10/2021 |
Mediplan Ltd. Import of Medical Supply | Greece | 14854-3022 | 11/2017 | 11/2018 |
Nanog Biotec S.A. de C.V. | Mexico | 14854-3033 | 09/2021 | 09/2022 |
Rovers International Sp. zo.o. | Poland | 14854-3006 | 05/2022 | 05/2023 |
YBUX s.r.o. | Czech Republic | 14854-3007 14854-3016 | 07/2021 07/2020 | 07/2022 07/2021 |